Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to Preserve Newspaper Clippings

Clearing out the eternal paper pile, here is a gem of an e-mail I found from 2000. I have to credit someone named Mary Grey, of whom I have no recollection. So Mary Grey of AOL, thank you for your tip to Preserve Newspaper Clippings.

RECIPE #1 > one tablet or two TBS of milk of magnesia in a quart of club soda

In an art class during college, a recipe given was even simpler:
2 TBS baking soda in 1 quart water. Stir well. Dip page to be preserved, hang to dry.

Works beautifully. I still have newspaper clippings from 1975 that have not yellowed.



krwoolsey said...

I wonder if the baking soda lowers the acid in the paper

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