Q: (submitted to Google Forums>>> topic: Accessing my blog)
these are 2 of 5 blogs i let go dormant in 2011. Sometime back then, I followed the instructions to add my new gmail, etc. Apparently, all I did was make myself an AUTHOR instead of an ADMIN and of course, now I have NO ACCESS to any settings, etc. because I must have removed original email.
I have followed the advice to try to locate my old email address that I used. I went to Blogger recovery and every address I used back then is not coming up as an email in the system. What can I do?
Desperately, want to continue my blog and keep the names I created. Please help. Thanks.
A: Sign in at Gmail using your OLD email address; in my case, this was an old hotmail account that I still keep around for SPAM. It worked!!!
What happened? Back in 2011, Google took over Blogger and asked everyone to sign in with their Gmail accounts instead of their legacy emails. IN the process, we were supposed to add our new selves and delete our old. Which a lot of us did, apparently, but ended up making ourselves only AUTHORS instead of Admins.